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We are committed to strengthening corporate governance that ensures fair and swift decision-making to achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value over the medium to long term. In addition to the Board of Directors, which resolves basic policies and important management matters, we have introduced an executive officer system to execute operations quickly and efficiently. We also hold management meetings to deliberate and decide on important management matters based on the basic policies determined by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, we have appointed auditors elected by shareholders to strengthen the supervisory and monitoring functions of management.
We take measures to minimize human, physical, and social damage in the event of accidents, disasters, and compliance violations. Based on our crisis management regulations, if significant damage occurs due to accidents, disasters, or compliance violations, the President and CEO instructs the head of the relevant risk response department to establish a crisis management committee or crisis management task force to address the situation. Additionally, earthquake disaster prevention drills are conducted by the Safety and Health Committee, and education to prevent compliance violations is carried out by the Compliance Committee.
We aim to be a useful presence in society by pursuing profits through fair competition and acting with social conscience (adhering to moral principles). Based on our compliance regulations, the Chief Legal Officer (CLO) serves as the chairman of the Compliance Committee, with the Legal Department acting as the secretariat of the Compliance Committee. Each business division has a compliance promotion officer to implement compliance measures. We systematically carry out compliance-related reporting and consultation, ethical behavior guidelines, education and training, and the collection and sharing of legal information. Additionally, to promptly recognize compliance violations and minimize risks, we have institutionalized and implemented an internal reporting system to practice fair management that sincerely adheres to compliance.
Information Security
We aim to always implement the use of information assets safely and effectively, becoming a company that can maximize the use of information and information systems.
Based on the Basic Information Security Policy and Information Management Regulations, the President and CEO serves as the Chief Security Officer, and each department head serves as the Security Officer. The Legal Department monitors the management and disclosure of confidential information to ensure it is appropriately implemented.
Additionally, based on the Technical Security Measures Regulations, the Executive Officer in charge of DX and Systems serves as the Chief System Officer, and the DX and Systems Department Manager serves as the System Officer. They implement necessary measures related to information systems to protect our information assets from tampering, destruction, leakage, etc., including servers, networks, accounts, and virus protection.
Intellectual Property Protection
We ensure the smooth and sustainable development of existing businesses by protecting our unique technologies as intellectual property rights. In addition to supporting the exploration and nurturing of new businesses from the perspective of intellectual property, we strive to enhance corporate value by converting intellectual property into value and licensing it to other companies. We also respect the rights of third parties and conduct our business operations while preventing infringement of those rights.
The protection of intellectual property is actively pursued by the technical departments under the guidance and supervision of the Legal Department.
Personal Data Protection
We recognize the social importance of protecting personal information entrusted to us by our customers, business partners, and employees, and we consider it our social responsibility to comply with laws and other norms related to personal information protection. Based on our personal information protection policy and regulations, we have appointed the CLO of the Legal Department as the Personal Information Protection Manager and the Legal Department as the Secretariat for Personal Information Protection Management. Each department head is designated as the Personal Information Protection Officer to implement the protection of personal information.
We appropriately implement security export control to maintain international peace and security.
Based on the Security Export Control Regulations, we designate the President and CEO as the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Legal Officer of the Legal Department as the Chief Export Control Officer, and the Legal Department as the Export Control Department. Each business division has an Export Control Officer to execute export control. We ensure that no actions violating the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act or other regulations are taken in the export of regulated goods, intermediary trade transactions, and technical intermediary transactions.