We actively work to create an organizational culture and a comfortable working environment where employees can thrive and grow. Additionally, we continuously engage in social contribution activities

Lifestyle Support

We believe that the physical and mental well-being and happiness of our employees lead to the company’s performance. Therefore, we aim to create an environment where employees can focus on their work with peace of mind and where both women and men can easily balance work and childcare.”

Paid Leave System

• Annual Paid Leave

We encourage taking at least one day of paid leave each month.
Average number of days acquired in 2023: 16.3 days/year

• Half-Day Paid Leave System

Employees can take paid leave in half-day increments, allowing for flexible time off that suits their lifestyle.

• Special Annual Leave Accumulation System

Unused paid leave can be accumulated.

Childcare Leave System

In addition to maternity leave before and after childbirth, employees can take childcare leave until their child reaches the age of two, allowing them to focus on parenting during early childhood.
We also support employees with reduced working hours after returning to work to ease the burden of childcare.
Childcare leave acquisition rate for eligible female employees over the past ten years: 100%

Care Leave System

We have established a care leave system for employees who need to care for family members requiring assistance, allowing them to focus on caregiving.
Additionally, we offer reduced working hours after returning to work to help ease the burden.

Skills Improvement Support

We believe that the growth of our employees supports the development of the company, and we will continue to meet the desires of employees who wish to enhance their skills.

Correspondence Education System

We partially cover the tuition fees for correspondence courses. We offer a wide range of courses, from those that help employees acquire job-related skills to those that prepare them for advanced national qualifications.

Qualification Acquisition Incentive System

We support employees in obtaining job-related qualifications by providing rewards when they achieve these qualifications.

Overseas Study Program

We cultivate global talent through short-term language study programs at Missouri Southern State University in the USA, as well as online English and Chinese conversation courses.

Hierarchical Training System

• New Employee Training(1~2 months)

We provide education on business manners, basic work procedures, safety, and health.
In addition to external training and Air Water Group training, we conduct training in various departments and factories within the company.

• Second-year employee training、Job skills training、Management Development Training and Management Training

We conduct internal and external training to support career development and skill enhancement.

Occupational Health and Safety

We conduct occupational health and safety activities to ensure that our employees can work with peace of mind and vitality.
Based on our safety and health management regulations, the Director of the Management Headquarters oversees these activities, with the Safety and Environment Department serving as the managing division. We have established a Safety and Health Promotion Council, composed of the chief safety and health managers from each factory, and under this council, a Safety and Health Committee, consisting of safety managers, health managers, and safety and health committee members. This structure promotes the safety and health of our employees and the creation of a comfortable working environment.

Under our safety and health slogan, we hold internal safety conferences, conduct hazard prediction activities, have safety managers and safety and health committee members inspect factories, and have health managers and industrial physicians conduct factory inspections. We also engage in 6S improvement activities, health checkups, mental health care, and stress checks.

Social Contribution Activities

We aim to enhance empathy and trust from society by actively engaging in community-based activities, striving to be a company that benefits society.

We conduct science experiment classes at elementary schools, participate in hometown volunteer activities by helping farmers with their work, clean the areas around our factories, and contribute through the naming rights of Tateho Wakuwaku Land.



For inquiries to our company, please contact us below.