An article contributed by our engineers was posted on the journal of "Refrigeration” issued by Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers.
Basic and applied courses of thermal drive cycle technology are published in this journal.
The article is on "Development of practical application of MgO-H2O type chemical heat storage material", taking a part of the 21st theme "Towards practical use of chemical heat storage and heat pump system".
The CHARGEMAG®️ PM-1 has been developed through the collaborative research with the associate professor Junichi RYU of Chiba University.
In this article, CHARGEMAG®️ PM-1 and future magnesium-based chemical heat storage material prospects are explained in an easy-to-understand manner by explaining the outline, characteristics, practical problems and solutions of MgO-H2O type chemical thermal storage materials.
As the MgO-H2O type chemical thermal storage material can store heat at about 300°C, has a high heat storage density (about 1400 kJ/kg), is inexpensive, has high scientific stability and is safe, is expected as waste heat utilization for industrial applications.
CHARGEMAG®️ PM-1 is a product that succeeded in lowering the heat storage onset temperature and heat storage peak temperature by about 50°C than usual magnesium hydroxide by combining metal salts.
We are also developing products whose storage temperature is even lower than that. Please contact us for more information.

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